There's never anything to eat in my house. I mean there's a ton of shit to eat, but none of it is ever what I want. We have Baked! Ruffles, a pineapple, real Canadian maple syrup, Saltines, tri-colored couscous, and assorted spices. Tasty.
Whenever I come home, it's like okay I'm hungry, let me cook something, and then there's a bunch of random ingredients but nothing that can come together and make a meal. Which actually kind of reflects the general family dynamic. I did not start writing this in order to make that observation.
Tonight I drove around a lot with Brittney and we listened to a shitload of music. I liked it. The great thing about our friendship is that no matter how far apart we go, we always come back to an undeniable connection. It isn't just about understanding the other person, it's about being more ourselves when the other person is around. It's about the conversation going anywhere, and bringing out things into words we wouldn't otherwise. At least that's how it is for me. That's what friendship is to me - it's about having things to say to the other person, having your world make sense when they're around, and being able to bring things back to your relationship with them that wouldn't totally make sense otherwise.
I feel like the 2.0 version of myself. I feel good, I feel like a complete person. I feel like I have things to bring into this world that are real, even if most people can't see what they are. There are some people who can, and those are the people I love.
Until I came to college, I was the kind of person people either loved or hated. I was very, very particular about my friends. It's absolutely a good thing that I'm not as closed-minded as I used to be, but my sharp ability to judge (and usually judge correctly) is something I'm glad to be getting back. I like to call out bullshit when I see it - it's kind of my thing, I have a knack for it. You might call me a bullshit connoisseur. Or you might call me by my name, which sounds a lot nicer...Anyway, something I respect about myself is my ability to call out bullshit when I see it but still get along with virtually anyone. I'm a people person and I love humanity, even if I don't respect most people. My chest fills up with something between love and pity when I hear hope-filled speeches about the future of mankind. I believe in our general capacity to Do the Right Thing, even if that belief is usually bittersweet. Or just bitter. Something I respect in other people is when they can call out MY bullshit, as in when they don't see me as a god, but still respect me and generally understand me as a functioning being. Those people are hard to come by, but when I find them, I don't let them go easily.
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