Friday, March 6, 2009

I hate the middle-aged men who fall asleep in Starbucks and snore, like Starbucks is their fucking marriage chamber and all the college girls in leggings and lipstick are their unwilling harlot brides. I feel bad for homeless people and all, but Starbucks is not a shelter, it's a corporation and when I walk into a corporation to drink my delicious corporate iced coffee I do not want to hear some old man snoring because this is not his marriage chamber and I am not his harlot wife. The only grinding noise I want to hear is the Frappuccino machine.

That said, I enjoy being in public and watching (or listening to) other people live their lives (or sleep them away in a Starbucks) while I live mine by taking it in and making (I hope) sardonic and witty observations about it.

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